Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's the little things in life...

Woke up feeling just dandy! Hoping for some sunshine but thought to myself "Ang, just be glad you woke up". The kids and I went through our morning routine (more of that at the end of this blog) and off to school and work. Everything went smoothly, even had a little more energy! I drove by the convenient store and one of those vanilla cappicino's was screaming my name! I love those drinks but I cut out caffeine (and boy did I have some withdrawals!) So, as badly as I wanted one, I sipped on my Diet Green Tea with mixed berry and thought about how my jeans weren't so tight....and kept driving.

Got to work, had me some yogurt and a 1/2 bagel without cream cheese. I had bought some NO fat, (not low fat,,,NO fat) strawberry cream cheese...Ok that shit was nasty!! So, a plain bagel and yogurt was the way to go today. Went and worked out at lunch and saw my new friend Dana,,she said she had been reading my blogs and just loved them, that was a nice way to start my work-out! It's a cool feeling when someone likes what you have to say and even more cool when it makes them smile! So I did a mile on the treadmill in 12 minutes, some ever loving crunches and got a great workout in.

Lunch, I had a lean cuisine chicken and mashed potatoes with English peas....Seriously,who the heck eats those nasty peas...they are like dog ticks in your mouth... I know that is disgusting but the peas started it!! Finished up my lovely lunch and thanked God for it. How many people are starving and eating whatever they can find and would love to have my lunch and dog ticks. But...then came desert!! I had a small bag of 100 calorie chocolate chip cookies. I had a bag yesterday but ate them so fast I was like "what the heck happened to my cookies" So today, I opened the bag slowly, smelled the chocolate in the bag, at the cookies slowly, tore open the bag and got the little chocolate chips left in corner of the bag. I believe somewhere in the bible Jesus may have stated in red words that it is a sin to throw away chocolate. Easy on me about that last sentence, I am not trying to go for blasphemy, just a little humor.

Now, back to my morning, I will always try to end my blogs on a high note, this was a very high note for me...
When I got up this morning my kids were getting their morning routine done, brushing teeth, deodorant, getting their bags together. I walk in the bathroom and Kason says, "Mom, you think I can live with you forever?" I looked right at my precious boy and there was one thing I knew for certain at that moment and that was that Kason is the best man I have ever had in my life. I hugged my kiddo like I hadn't seen him in years and I scratched his back and told him "Son, you can stay with me forever and a day." He just smiled a goofy grin and said "Mom, you are the best ever", how ironic that I was thinking the same about him. So, to both of my kids, I love you with everything I am. You both make me be a better person. This of course does not mean they get out of their chores!!

Now, I'm off to find out how to recycle these English "dog tick" peas...

1 comment:

  1. I know just how you feel... seems like something always happens at the wrong time... Will be thinking and praying for you, as for your kids they are precious!!! Keep truckin... someone will always have something to say, you do this for you!!!
